Consumer opinions on Scottish salmon farming – Fidra survey results 2021

Scottish Salmon Farming: Survey Results. A Fidra survey into consumer opinions on Scottish salmon farming

The majority of consumer respondents buy Scottish salmon from major retailers in 2021 (99%), consistent with 2019 consumers (100%).

Based on the survey results, Fidra makes the following asks to retailers in order to improve traceability, transparency and reduce the environmental impacts of Scottish salmon farming:

1. Retailers label all own brand Scottish salmon products with the name of the source farm.
Having the name of the source farm on the label and/or a QR code, barcode or similar to link through to more information about on an individual farm level will show true accountability.

2. Retailers support the development of a sustainability dashboard or equivalent database.
Accessible, transparent, real‐time information on environmental and sustainability issues available on a farm‐by‐farm basis online, would enable consumers to make informed choices.

3. Retailers ensure they source their salmon from producers that meet the strictest regulatory and certification standards.
Salmon should at minimum have an Excellent regulatory compliance record including Good or Excellent benthic survey results. Retailers should also be striving to source products that meet all the strictest criteria available through certification as specified by the ASC, Global GAP, Soil Association and RSPCA Assured.

4. Retailers support calls for the Scottish salmon farming industry to reduce its environmental impacts.
Environmental sustainability issues are clearly important to consumers, which needs to be reflected by farming practices. Central to this is reducing chemical treatments known to impact wildlife and antibiotics, moving towards more enclosed structures for treatment and waste capture, closing or moving poorly performing farms, and using more sustainable feed (including alternatives to marine ingredients).


Read our 2019 consumer survey results here


Language: English

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  • Create Date 24th January 2023
  • Last Updated 7th February 2023