Fidra shines a light on environmental issues through targeted projects that demonstrate positive change Fidra works with governments, industry and the public, to deliver evidence-based solutions Fidra protects ecosystems by preventing pollution & promoting sustainability © Scott Currie Fidra Home

Our Projects

Preventing pollution

By removing the burden of chemical and plastic pollution on the environment, our projects build resilience to the climate emergency and biodiversity crisis.

Supporting sustainability

A safe circular economy saves energy, resources, and prevents pollution. Our projects address the use of harmful chemicals, promote alternatives to single-use items, and stop losses from supply chains.


The need to transition from a linear model of production and consumption to a circular economy has never been more pressing.

Waste upholstered domestic seating has been found to contain legacy chemical flame retardants banned under the Stockholm Convention. Following rulings from national environmental agencies, this waste furniture must be separated and incinerated. Though a step forward in protecting the environment and human health, this has placed extra resource demands on local councils.

On world Soil Day, research by the James Hutton Institute demonstrates that microplastics, organic contaminants and pharmaceuticals in sewage sludge are posing a significant risk to soil organisms, ultimately threatening environmental and human health.


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Fidra achieves solutions to environmental issues using the best available science by working collaboratively with governments, industry and the public