Chemical Pollution
Touches Everything

Chemical pollution is changing the foundation on which our ecosystems function, impacting the air we breathe, the water we drink and the crops we eat. It is this inescapable and intrinsic link across all aspects of life that makes chemical pollution relevant to so many of the global challenges we now face. 

Everyone needs safer chemicals

From the moment we wake up on our flameresistant mattress, throw off our easy iron bed sheets and fry up some eggs in our non-stick pans, to the time we wash off the day’s grime with soap and climb back into bed, we’re in contact with industrial chemicals. Many of these chemicals makes our lives safer and healthier, but  when the wrong chemical gets in the wrong place, then it’s a problem. It’s a problem for wildlife, for the environment, for our health and for our economy. 

Preventing Chemical Pollution

There are many chemicals that vastly improve our society, and that are used in essential and life-saving functions all across the world. Chemical innovation can improve our health, help us combat the climate crisis, produce green energy and sustainable supply chains. But, many chemicals have the potential to cause serious harm, and we must be able to rely on stringent chemical management systems and regulation to protect us.

What impact is chemical pollution having?

  • All monitored rivers and lakes in England are polluted and the number of water pollution incidents is rising (almost 7,600 in 2019)1Bevan J. The state of our waters: the facts. Environment Agency; 2020.
  • Wildlife populations in the UK and globally are being devastated by the dual threats of climate and the toxic chemicals that are now part of our everyday life. Chemical pollution is now one of the main causes of biodiversity loss2Malaj E, von der Ohe PC, Grote M, et al. Organic chemicals jeopardize the health of freshwater ecosystems on the continental scale. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 2014;111(26):9549. doi:10.1073/pnas.1321082111. Fidra’s webpage ‘Chemicals in Wildlife’ highlights which UK species are impacted.
  • In 2019, 75% of chemicals produced across the EU were classified as hazardous to health and/or the environment3Chemsec. ECHA’s 5-year review paints dark picture – but there is hope. 2021.
  • 18% of consumer products in the EU contain illegal amounts of restricted chemicals, with 20% of children’s toys containing banned phthalates4European Chemicals Agency. Report on the Operation of REACH and CLP 2021..
  • Global chemical production has increased fifty-fold since 1950 and is set to treble again by 20505Eurostat.

Case studies of chemical management demonstrate the potential of strong and effective chemical regulation in protecting our health and environment. Our webpage highlights some of these leading examples, including restriction of CFC’s and PCB’s. Chemical regulation must be made more robust to better protect us from pollution. Some simple principles underpin the approach we need to take to use safer chemicals in the future and prevent pollution.

Chemical pollution is fuelling biodiversity loss


Chemical pollution adds additional burden to populations already under threat from climate and land-use change. Legacy chemicals such as PCBs continue to disrupt Orca reproduction 30 years after global restrictions were introduced, while many common pesticides continue to disrupt UK insect populations6Fidra (2021) Opportunities for pollution prevention:
long-term goals and quick wins.

Chemical pollution is impacting our health


Chemical pollution in our homes, communities and workplaces cause approximately 1.3 million global deaths every year from diseases such as cardiovascular diseases and cancers. It also exacerbates societal inequalities, with women more exposed to hazardous chemicals than men, poorer countries more than rich, and infants and young children particularly sensitive to chemical exposure7Prüss-Üstün A. Preventing disease through healthy environments : a global assessment of the burden of disease from environmental risks / A Prüss-Ustün, J Wolf, C Corvalán, R Bos and M Neira. World Health Organization; 2016..

Climate change and chemical pollution are intrinsically linked


Despite major reductions in direct energy use over the last 30 years, the chemical industry remains a major contributor to UK carbon emissions. Chemical exposure can reduce nature’s resilience to the climate crisis through the impact of multiple stressors, while climate change can also impact the sensitivity and susceptibility of organisms to chemical exposures8Fidra (2021) Opportunities for pollution prevention:
long-term goals and quick wins.

Hazardous chemicals are a barrier to the circular economy

Circular Economy

Harmful chemicals create a barrier to the circular economy by limiting the reuse capacity of products, creating a chemical exposure risk for workers in the recycling sector and undermining confidence in the safety of secondary materials. Without adequate information on product chemical content, we simply do not know what is safe to reuse and what is not.

The UK Chemical Strategy

What is it and why is it so important?

The current state of our health and environment shows that we’ve not been doing a great job of managing chemicals so far. The UK Chemical Strategy is our roadmap out of this chemical pollution crisis. It will set out the Government’s long-term vision for UK chemical policy, defining whether we accept the status quo or set ambitious targets that will improve our health and environment, create the foundation for a effective circular economy and drive innovation towards greener, more sustainable technologies.

The UK Government are developing the chemical strategy right now! This is our opportunity to tell them the future that we want to see:

  • a non-toxic environment that is fighting fit to adapt to the challenges of the climate crisis;
  • wildlife thriving in our countryside and cities, pollinating our crops and bringing the riches of biodiversity to every community;
  • waters free from harmful chemicals, supporting abundant life, clean drinking water, health and wellbeing; and
  • a strong and sustainable circular economy.


How are chemicals regulated in the UK?

Chemical regulation in the UK is currently managed under UK REACH (Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals). This regulatory system was established after the UK’s departure from the European Union and was based on EU REACH. It covers England, Scotland, and Wales.  

The implementation of UK REACH has however proved difficult, with a lack of data and capacity forcing us to fall behind EU REACH. To date the UK has not been able to keep up with evaluating restricting or registering chemicals in the UK. As a result, our increasing divergence from EU protection weakens both our health and environmental standards, and results in a delayed and insufficient assessment and regulation process.  

Read more on the pitfalls of UK REACH and the proposed Alternative Transition Model (ATRm) in our blogs below, and find out how they impact the UK’s ability to register and restrict toxic chemicals that impact our health and environment. 

Further Reading

Nature 2030 Chemicals Minifesto 

Wildlife and Countryside Link’s ‘minifestos’ are policy briefings which provide detail about how the five policy asks made by the Nature 2030 campaign could be applied to benefit different aspects of nature. This manifesto covers chemicals.

Published: September 2023

Download PDF here

2023: Year in Review of Chemical Pollution

This briefing is on behalf of nature coalition Wildlife and Countryside Link (Link) and provides a birdseye review of the major chemical issues in 2023.

Published: January 2024.

View full document here

12 Key Asks for the UK Chemicals Strategy

Fidra have joined with 26 other health and environmental NGOs in putting together 12 Key Asks for the UK’s Chemical Strategy, aimed at ensuring health and environmental protections are put at the forefront of decision making.

Uploaded: May 2021

View full document here    Read Fidra’s Summary Blog here

Fidra Response to UK REACH EAC Call for Evidence

Fidra’s submission to a Call for Evidence from the Environmental Audit Concern regarding the development of UK REACH.

Published: November 2022

View full document here

The Chemical Pollution Crisis: a growing problem with achievable solutions

This is a briefing on chemical pollution, aimed at MSPs, and developed and published by Scottish Environment LINK

Published: October 2021

Go to Briefing

Opportunities for pollution prevention: long-term goals and quick wins

This position paper puts forward our case for an ambitious UK chemical strategy, describing key principles and policy actions Fidra believe will move the UK towards sustainable societies and healthy ecosystems.

Uploaded: September 2021

Download Summary Document     Download Full Version

Principles for Sound Chemical Management

This document describes the guiding principles Fidra have developed to ensure safe and effective chemical policy that protects both human health and the environment.

Uploaded: September 2021

Download PDF here

How UK Retailers are Tackling Chemicals of Concern

Fidra have compiled data gathered from on-going work with some of the UK’s most well-known supermarkets, high-street retailers and food outlets, along with the results of recent survey, to outline how UK retailers are managing chemicals of concern.

Published: December 2021

View full document here

What is Fidra doing?

Fidra works on a number of specific projects which address chemical pollution. These include:

  • PFAS, the Forever Chemicals: Fidra are working at policy level advocating a commitment to end all non-essential uses of PFAS within the UK chemical strategy. Our PFAS Pesticides project focuses on PFAS within pesticide active and inert ingredients as a direct environmental PFAS source.
  • Bisphenols, the Everywhere Chemicals: Fidra are working with the UK retail sector to encourage a voluntary phase-out of all bisphenols from till receipts. We’re also encouraging the Scottish Government to implement group-based legislation on bisphenols in till receipts as part of the developing Circular Economy Bill.
  • Flame retardants and chemical transparency: Fidra are advocating for fire safety through product design, minimising the requirement for chemical flame retardants. We are also working closely with research and industry, developing a case study for smart labelling that will ensure transparency in chemical use along supply chains.
  • Contaminants in Sewage Sludge: Fidra are working with the agriculture industry and policy-makers to highlight the presence of contaminants such as PFAS and microplastics in treated sewage sludge. We are calling for an end to sewage sludge application to agricultural land until it can be proven to be a clean and safe resource.

Fidra are also interested in wider chemical policy, ensuring a Scottish and UK framework for safe and effective chemical management that minimises the impact of chemical pollution on the environment. In our report we look to assess the impact of chemical policy on UK businesses, using case studies, ongoing dialogue and our online survey results to summarise progress made by UK retailers towards sustainable chemical management.

We are also members of government led policy groups such as the UK Chemical Stakeholder Forum, the Scottish Chemical Policy Network and NGO consortium WildLife and Countryside Link.