World Soil Day: experts say the UK’s agricultural use of sewage sludge is risking environmental health
On world Soil Day, research by the James Hutton Institute demonstrates that microplastics, organic contaminants and pharmaceuticals in sewage sludge are posing a significant risk to soil organisms, ultimately threatening environmental and human health.
Supporting Sustainable Farming Systems that Work with Nature – GO Falkland 2024.
Fidra attends the 2024 GO Falkland regenerative agriculture event and raises awareness of the presence of harmful chemicals such as PFAS in agricultural inputs (pesticides and biosolids) that threaten sustainable farming systems.
World Soil Day: How does sewage sludge impact soil health?
Our project ‘Sewage-free Soils’ highlights the presence of chemical contaminants and microplastics within treated sewage sludge, a by-product of wastewater treatment used as fertiliser on agricultural land.
Are contaminated biosolids costing us the earth?
Fidra learns about steps being taken by experts to protect soils and the wider environment from unregulated emerging chemical contaminants in bioresources.
Risks and Regulations around Agricultural Use of Sewage Sludge – Scottish Environment LINK report
Risks and Regulations around Agricultural Use of Sewage Sludge – Scottish Environment LINK report
Steps Towards Protecting Scotland’s Soil Health
To protect the health and productivity of Scotland’s agricultural soils we need to stop the application of sewage sludge to land in its current contaminated form